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Misa Tango

Misa Tango

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 Noleggio: 700.00 EUR

 Vendita: 2,000.00 EUR


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AUTORE: Luis Bacalov
TITOLO: Misa Tango
CATEGORIA: Musica Sacra
STRUMENTAZIONE: 3[1.2.pic] 2 2[1.bcl] 3[1.2.cbn] - 4 3 3 1 - chorus voices(1S, 1Mz, 1Bar, 1B) str pf tmp perc - solo band

Misa Tango is a mass in a tango style, an opera like nothing else ever written before.  Conceived by Luis Bacalov, the work is based on the Latin ordinary of the Catholic mass but written in Spanish. Misa Tango is a total success, it combines in a entirely satisfying unity, what might be considered disparate elements, different musical genres, crating a nostalgic but joyful musical texture, stressing the Tango own character. Solo voices and instrumental rhythms, Buenos Aires bandoneon and violino solo, great quotes: Verdi is the first thought that comes to mind as the chorus begins the Kyrie, and the Gloria that follows it has strong echoes of Bernstein marked as "Tempo di Milonga", to the very pronounced percussion in the Credo, Misa Tango is this all: a complete opera, exciting, always actual.